Fieldheads Coffee Company

Sumatra Aceh

Sale price Price $17.50 Regular price Unit price  per 

This Sumatra is sourced from the Aceh region, where the average farm size is one hectare (approximately 2.5 acres) and 80% of the producers are women. The area is geographically diverse; with the Barisan Mountains, which are primarily volcanic, beaches, swampy inland, and Lake Taboa - the largest volcanic lake in the world. Coffee is grown on the volcanic mountains among the rainforest. Most commercially available coffee from Sumatra is Wet-Hulled, as most of the Washed coffee is consumed locally. Wet-Hulled processing is a faster process, created to accommodate a climate of heavy rain and clouds. Wet-Hulled coffee is washed and pre-dried for 8-12 hours, or until it reaches 35% moisture content, when it is then hulled. Afterwards, it is fully dried without its parchment until it reaches 10-12% moisture. 

Process: Wet-Hulled

Elevation: 1300-1650 MASL

Tasting Notes: Molasses. coffee cherry, grapefruit